Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Hello, Little Garden…

I thought I’d share a few peeks at our garden we planted last week. I have high hopes for it this year—last year shortly after we planted the garden we learned I was expecting Princess #2 and morning sickness set in, and well, you know the rest of the story!


I love to garden. Gardening is part of the good life. Getting out and working in the dirt, the smell of the plants, the warm sunshine, the eventual harvest—there is nothing like it. My garden is significantly smaller than the ones we had while I was growing up. There are several things that I don’t think I could grow well in my little city garden. Peas, corn, and potatoes are some of those. But those plants are also a lot of work and commitment, which isn’t the best thing for me right now with my two littles.


So this year we have planted fairly low-maintenance plants that don’t need a lot of space: tomatoes, bell and jalapeno peppers, eggplants, squash, and cucumbers. I can get peas and corn from relatives and friends in the country, so we won’t miss out on them even though we weren’t able to grow them.

We’ve been having lots of rain the last few weeks, which is perfect for little seedlings and plants that are trying to get their start, but not so good for weeding, hence the slightly untidy appearance of the garden.


Happy little cucumbers.


Olivia planted Old Maids/Zinnias this year. She loves “fahbers” and I can’t wait until they start blooming. She is going to be ecstatic!


One of three heirloom tomato plants—we planted two Cherokee Purples, and one German Queen. I’ve never really had experience with heirloom tomatoes, growing up we always planted hybrids, so I am very excited to see how these turn out this year. And we planted one HeatMaster for good measure, because this is Texas after all, and it gets hot!

I had to dash back in the house this morning before I was able to take pictures of the other things we have growing—it started raining again. More photos to come!

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